Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And the word of the day . . .

Protein . . .
This simple thing has been on my mind ALL DAY. Started with a suggestion last night, boiled to the top with a discussion with a coworker then spilled to an obsession at Target.

So one of my goals within the next month is to get more protein in after I workout. Now I'm not sure exactly how many grams of protein I'm supposed to have in a day. One website told me like 150g, and a co-worker said up to 45 . . . quite a big difference there. I'll keep doing my research . . . I dont have one source for protein, so at Target today I looked at everything I could (excluding protein powers b/c they dont sell them in the size I want) and bought a few protein trials . . . heres what I found
These items range from 10g of protein to 23g. There are 4 bars, one thing of greek yogurt and one shake thing. I'm told that I'm supposed to try to get more protein in after a workout, so you bet your butt I'll be sharing my thoughts and rating what I've put in my mouth ;)

What I ate . . . 
Peppermint Coffee
Banana (100 calories)
Salad (egg, dressing, croutons, cranberries, cheese, romaine) (400 calories? eh)
Pretzels (120 calories)
Popcorn (100 calories)
Corn dogs (280 calories)
Baked Potato (150 calories)
Total: 1150 calories

What I did . . . 
NOTHING, its Tuesday ;)

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