Thursday, December 2, 2010


So i'm sitting here right now telling myself I'm not going to go to Lifetime . . . this is the thoughts I have at night . . . Lifetime or no Lifetime . . . Lifetime or no Lifetime . . . heres what I need for Christmas, I need a daisy that regenerates after a day so that I can pull pedals off and decide if i'm going or not. If someone could make the decision for me that would be superb. Maybe you're thinking why wouldnt Cheri go to Lifetime, well its because I"m scared . . . I'm scared of what will happen at the scale tomorrow morning and I'm pretty sure that I need to work out in the AM for the result would be better. Well whatever I'm illogical.

What I ate . . . 
- banana (100 - 2)
- Chobani yogurt (140 - 14)
- Apple (100 - 2)
- Doritos (150 - 2)
- Tortilla Chips (400 - 5)
- Veggie Pot Pie (420 - 9)
Total: 1310 - 34

The last two days my calorie counts have been over 1200 . . . I have no idea how many calories I should have consumed in one day. I know that the goal is between 1000 and 1200, but I dont knwo if I'm supposed to get at least that much in a day, or if 1200 is where I should tap out. I hate calories, I hate eating and I hate how food is the hardest thing for me. 

If I didnt already say, tomorrow morning I weigh in and I'm scared out of my  mind.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cheri dear, you are doing a great job! Just don't be so hard on yourself. Just do it & be done with it. A task not completed is a task not worth trying. Or so I've heard. True?? Depends on how it's looked at I guess. ha
    But all in all, you are doing what u do....but a ??? u need to ask yourself...Do I really enjoy this for the sake of feeling "I have to do this" or do I enjoy it because of what the end results are gonna be? Even if u don't "love" what u are doing in looking good, at least u are doing something about it that will pay off in the long as in feeling healthy & being healthy & staying that way. :)
    You look good dear. So it's paying off even if your heart's not in it. But like I said as quoted above...that's something u need to ask yourself. The goal u set yourself for is a goal u need to really decide its worth it without the "guilt". And for heaven's sake girl!! Quit being so hard on yourself! lol It just only makes u feel more blah and probably feel some guilt. lol Stand tall & walk tall! Go for it!!! :)
