Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I'm not ashamed to say that I have decided to weigh myself weekly and really take note of what I've been eating recently . . . due to the fact I want to lose a certain amount of weight by June 3 (or something like that).

So this last week I really really tried hard and really really held to portion sizes and calories and how much I'm puttin in my mouth and what I'm doing and lifetime, and it really paid off. I was able to loose weight and I'm so happy :)

i went to dinner with my mother yesterday so i didnt make my dinner, however I had potato soup (eh, wasnt that good, i ate 1/2) and a house salad (that was actually pretty good).

What I did: 
2 mile elliptical
5k (MUST note, i was able to jog for 2 miles of this out of the 3.1 miles :) )
90 minutes in the gym: 850 calories burned

Next: 30 days of Photos
Day 5: Take a photo of your favorite memory.

When I thought about favorite memory the first thing that came to mind was hanging out with two really close family friends when I was little. I found this picture of my brother's b'day party and other than the red head (dont know who she is) but the 5 of us was a very typical sight for a picture. me, april, jason, tyrone, JJ . . . the 5 of us always hung out and I loved every moment of it. It was really mostly me and April trying to hang out with the boys while they tried to ditch us though.  I *heart* my childhood friends.

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