11pm . . . go to bed
2am . . . wake up in order to leave for some Black Friday shopping @ 2:30
3am . . . stand in line at Best Buy
4am . . . start crying a little due to freak out about supplies being in stock
5am . . . find warmth again in Best Buy (found my items, called a couple of friends and woke them up . . . sorry for that btw)
6a-12p . . . shopping with Erin, so much fun!
12p - 4p . . . remember the wonderfulness behind sleeping
4:30p . . . work out like a rockstar :)
What I ate . . .
Perkins breakfast (it was a free meal, I couldnt say no due to calorie countage)
Meal: (700 - 15)
- biscuit
- scrambled eggs
- breakfast potatos
If i'm gonna do a breakfast out, i'm gonna do it right . . . no fresh fruit on that plate :) (but there was also no butter, and no syrup)
protein bar (210 - 14)
Total: 910 - 30
- I'm having a hard time with the protein . . . bah!
What I did . . .
LOVED my workout tonight and the fact it was so simple
calories burned . . . 925
mile 1 . . . jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1 min ea)
mile 2 AND 3 . . . jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1.10 min/1 min . . . i felt the need to bump it up a tad)
mile 4 . . . uphill/downhill walk @ 3.6 (-3 include/4.0 incline 1 min ea)
20 minute elliptical
Protein Review . . .

Market Pantry nutrition bar, not all that bad :)
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Something I would most definitely eat again
Let the record show . . . protein bars, so much better than shakes (in my opinion)
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