This month has been not good for me when it comes to going to Lifetime. I managed to not go at all from March 1st to March 11th (in my defense I was in Washington DC for 6 of those days). Then once I started going again I putzed around and on March 23rd had accumulated only going 5 times (actually 6, but LT didnt count one but I promised to not let it bother me). So on March 24th my back killed and I didnt go in. That means on March 25th I had to attempt to get into LT 7 days for the rest of the month in order to get my health insurance kickback. Holy mother of pearl that meant 7 days in a row . . . . I didnt want to complain about it until I actually did it.
I did it!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooooo . . . . go me! Unless you're the kind of person that works out everyday and your body is used to it and mentally you know you go everyday then by all means go to the gym everyday. But if you're like me and you go a few times a week . . . dont ever attempt 7 days in a row. I'm tired . . . cranky and just beaten down.
What I did

My 2nd attempt to post what I ate tonight :)
Dinner tonight:
Chili (that I made)
crostini cracker things (not that good, actually only ate 1/2 of what you see on my plate)
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