Today and yesterday were super productive . . . no one can say I wasted my spring break away . . . heres what I've done this week (just so you know)
1. Cut my hair
2. Found a good chinese food option
3. lost weight
4. Trained (twice)
5. Ran/walked 16 miles
6. rearranged my living room
7. got an oil change
8. managed to eat crap :)
9. rearranged my bedroom
10. washed my dishes
Ten things, I'm awesome (and its only Thursday)
So I didnt make food last night, I think I had taco salad . . . tonight i have some friends over and we made a pizza, pretty sure while we were making it i might have said "holy vegetables, batman"
Heres some pictures

Each friend had 1/3, I didn't eat all mine, but it was delicious! I piled on as many veggies as I could and was suprised at how little cheese I needed.
Next Up: 30 Days of photos (since nothing was posted yesterday I'll post both)
Day 6: Post a picture of someone you'd like to trade places with for a day.
As hard as this was (because my list was sooo long, lol) I picked Mary Alice, shes the manager of Charm City Cakes. I think it'd be cool to be her for one day, not only because I think Duff is the cutest baker out there, but also because it would be cool to see how that bakery runs for a day.
Day 7: Post a picture of your most treasured item.
This is the one thing I can say I own and he depends totally upon me and the care that I give him (other than the care that my mother and father give him)
I didnt workout today . . . its a day off :) Happy Times!
good blog. :) your pizza looks good!