Saturday, January 22, 2011

workout joys

I have felt like crap since Thursday but today I decided was a workout day . . . I cant imagine 3 days without working out and how difficult it would be to convince myself to get back into the gym.

So I went in tonight and told myself 5 miles minimum . . . doesnt matter how it gets done, just needs to get done.

What I did . . .
2 miles jog/walk (5.3 jog, 3.5 walk)
1 mile uphill downhill @ 3.6
2 mile elliptical
total calories burned: 900

I need to find confidence in myself . . . I think that's the root of my situation, I blame a lot of stuff on my weight or my size and I honestly think it shouldn't matter what I look like (even thought I'm kind of attractive) but how I feel. I need to do like self affirmations on a daily basis or something. I've noticed that when I'm dating a guy I feel better about myself and that's kinda twisted, I should naturally feel better about myself. I'm not sure how to achieve this, however recognition is the first step . . . . right???

1 comment:

  1. good blog. i agree.. i suck with it too. :) you're right.
