I talked with a friend today about eaters remorse . . . she talked about how she doesn't have it. I envy that because although sometimes I eat whatever I want, I feel so bad about it right after . . . not to the point where I want to upchuck it, however I do feel badly. I HATE when people bring food into work b/c I either go all day wanting the stupid crap, or I over eat whats there and then hate myself for it when the day is over and I've eaten 3000 calories by 3pm. I don't know if theres a way to get over eaters remorse, the topic just got me thinking.
What I ate . . .
broccoli cheddar soup (120 - 6)
2 slices of bread (80 - 5)
Jellybeans (200 - 0)
Protein Shake (110 - 17)
Pizza (660 - 22)
Total: 1170 - 50
What I did . . .
mile 1 run/walk (6.0/3.5 1 min ea)
mile 2 uphill/downhill walk @ 3.5 (-3.0/5.0 1 min ea)
25 min elliptical
25 min bike
Calories burned . . . 825
Running, workouts, baking, eating healthy and so much more see where life leads this girl.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Too Much?
Today was a fun day, got to decorate the apartment which is always fun. You can totally tell what one color I feel is associated with Christmas by the looks of my apt :)
Its very possible I over did it working out tonight. I think there may be ONE person that disagrees, we'll see. Justifying why I pushed so hard, I wanted my total calories burned this week to be 3500.
What I did . . .
mile 1 and 2 run/walk (6.0/3.5 1 min ea)
mile 3 uphill/downhill walk @ 3.7 (-3.0/4.0 incline)
mile 4 jog/walk (5.3/3.5 1 min ea)
mile 4.5 walk @ 3.5 pace
20 minute elliptical
15 min rowing
25 min bike
Total calories burned . . . 1370, I was there for over 2 hours
What I ate . . .
(so far, its only like 7pm now)
funnel cake (300 calories?)
1/2 egg salad sandwich (100 - 5)
100 calorie popcorn (100 - 3)
chobani yogurt (140 - 14)
Total: 550ish - 22
I might go eat something fatty tonight, thats the mood i'm in currently.
Protein Review . . .
Chobani Greek Yogurt.
I'm not a huge yogurt fan, but I enjoyed this stuff.
I liked that it was thicker than yoplait or other brands and it didnt taste too horrid.
I'd like to taste another flavor, peach didnt strike my fancy.
Its very possible I over did it working out tonight. I think there may be ONE person that disagrees, we'll see. Justifying why I pushed so hard, I wanted my total calories burned this week to be 3500.
What I did . . .
mile 1 and 2 run/walk (6.0/3.5 1 min ea)
mile 3 uphill/downhill walk @ 3.7 (-3.0/4.0 incline)
mile 4 jog/walk (5.3/3.5 1 min ea)
mile 4.5 walk @ 3.5 pace
20 minute elliptical
15 min rowing
25 min bike
Total calories burned . . . 1370, I was there for over 2 hours
What I ate . . .
(so far, its only like 7pm now)
funnel cake (300 calories?)
1/2 egg salad sandwich (100 - 5)
100 calorie popcorn (100 - 3)
chobani yogurt (140 - 14)
Total: 550ish - 22
I might go eat something fatty tonight, thats the mood i'm in currently.
Protein Review . . .
Chobani Greek Yogurt.

I liked that it was thicker than yoplait or other brands and it didnt taste too horrid.
I'd like to taste another flavor, peach didnt strike my fancy.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I Rocked It!
Whoa what a day . . . thats about all I can say for today . . . here was my agenda
11pm . . . go to bed
2am . . . wake up in order to leave for some Black Friday shopping @ 2:30
3am . . . stand in line at Best Buy
4am . . . start crying a little due to freak out about supplies being in stock
5am . . . find warmth again in Best Buy (found my items, called a couple of friends and woke them up . . . sorry for that btw)
6a-12p . . . shopping with Erin, so much fun!
12p - 4p . . . remember the wonderfulness behind sleeping
4:30p . . . work out like a rockstar :)
What I ate . . .
Perkins breakfast (it was a free meal, I couldnt say no due to calorie countage)
Meal: (700 - 15)
- biscuit
- scrambled eggs
- breakfast potatos
If i'm gonna do a breakfast out, i'm gonna do it right . . . no fresh fruit on that plate :) (but there was also no butter, and no syrup)
protein bar (210 - 14)
Total: 910 - 30
- I'm having a hard time with the protein . . . bah!
What I did . . .
LOVED my workout tonight and the fact it was so simple
calories burned . . . 925
mile 1 . . . jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1 min ea)
mile 2 AND 3 . . . jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1.10 min/1 min . . . i felt the need to bump it up a tad)
mile 4 . . . uphill/downhill walk @ 3.6 (-3 include/4.0 incline 1 min ea)
20 minute elliptical
Protein Review . . .

Market Pantry nutrition bar, not all that bad :)
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Something I would most definitely eat again
Let the record show . . . protein bars, so much better than shakes (in my opinion)
11pm . . . go to bed
2am . . . wake up in order to leave for some Black Friday shopping @ 2:30
3am . . . stand in line at Best Buy
4am . . . start crying a little due to freak out about supplies being in stock
5am . . . find warmth again in Best Buy (found my items, called a couple of friends and woke them up . . . sorry for that btw)
6a-12p . . . shopping with Erin, so much fun!
12p - 4p . . . remember the wonderfulness behind sleeping
4:30p . . . work out like a rockstar :)
What I ate . . .
Perkins breakfast (it was a free meal, I couldnt say no due to calorie countage)
Meal: (700 - 15)
- biscuit
- scrambled eggs
- breakfast potatos
If i'm gonna do a breakfast out, i'm gonna do it right . . . no fresh fruit on that plate :) (but there was also no butter, and no syrup)
protein bar (210 - 14)
Total: 910 - 30
- I'm having a hard time with the protein . . . bah!
What I did . . .
LOVED my workout tonight and the fact it was so simple
calories burned . . . 925
mile 1 . . . jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1 min ea)
mile 2 AND 3 . . . jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1.10 min/1 min . . . i felt the need to bump it up a tad)
mile 4 . . . uphill/downhill walk @ 3.6 (-3 include/4.0 incline 1 min ea)
20 minute elliptical
Protein Review . . .

Market Pantry nutrition bar, not all that bad :)
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Something I would most definitely eat again
Let the record show . . . protein bars, so much better than shakes (in my opinion)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bad Feelings
So I'm in a weird mood right now.
Its 10:30 pm and I'm sitting on my comp feeling bad for myself. I'm not going to go into details I just have a sense within me that is pathetic.
I didnt workout today . . . I was feeling better in the evening and I could have/should have worked out I just didnt . . . I hate hate hate when I do that, its no one's fault but my own however I do this so many times, and the worst part is at the end of the day I feel horrid for not going. I genuinely enjoy working out but find it the hardest thing to motivate my body to do.
I'm feeling pretty wonky about other things in my life too . . . personal life, work life, living situation and friends. I'm feeling negative so I'm looking at things with a pessimistic point of view and thats not healthy.
Today I was driving home and I was thinking to myself "what makes a person happy?" Like how do you know you're truly happy? I know I'm happy when I'm working out, or when I'm hanging out with friends or when I'm with family . . . The question that stand is am I happy? I dont even know what would make me happy? Or what would motivate me to lead a lifestyle thats considered happy. I wonder if people look at me and think, wow that Cheri is a true Debbie Downer . . . probably after reading this posting they will.
No info on what i've eaten today . . . it was all crap!
Its 10:30 pm and I'm sitting on my comp feeling bad for myself. I'm not going to go into details I just have a sense within me that is pathetic.
I didnt workout today . . . I was feeling better in the evening and I could have/should have worked out I just didnt . . . I hate hate hate when I do that, its no one's fault but my own however I do this so many times, and the worst part is at the end of the day I feel horrid for not going. I genuinely enjoy working out but find it the hardest thing to motivate my body to do.
I'm feeling pretty wonky about other things in my life too . . . personal life, work life, living situation and friends. I'm feeling negative so I'm looking at things with a pessimistic point of view and thats not healthy.
Today I was driving home and I was thinking to myself "what makes a person happy?" Like how do you know you're truly happy? I know I'm happy when I'm working out, or when I'm hanging out with friends or when I'm with family . . . The question that stand is am I happy? I dont even know what would make me happy? Or what would motivate me to lead a lifestyle thats considered happy. I wonder if people look at me and think, wow that Cheri is a true Debbie Downer . . . probably after reading this posting they will.
No info on what i've eaten today . . . it was all crap!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday Newness: Amy's Pot Pie
So I've decided that each Monday I'm going to try to have something new on Mondays . . . maybe dinner, maybe recipe maybe protein . . . we'll see ;)
Todays newness was Amy's Pot Pies
I'm gonna have to say . . . eh it was ok
Gonna have to try the vegetable one and see how the tofu effects the 'goodness'
What I ate . . .
Peppermint Coffee
Eggplant Parmesan Bites (150 - 8)
Green Grapes (100 - 1)
Doritos (150 - 2)
Cheese (300 - 14)
Broccoli Pot Pie (430 - 11)
Protein Shake (110 - 17)
Total: 1240 - 53
I literally thought i ate like a pig today but right now I'm sitting her and absolutely cannot think of what I ate today.
What I did . . .
650 calories burned
1 mile jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1 min each)
- wasn't in the mood to jog tonight . . . sadness
30 minute elliptical
20 minute biking
I think i might have to go in tomorrow morning to do a little extra workout . . . we'll see
NEW Protein . . .

i tried this stuff tonight . . .
ewww gross is all i have to say.
took me literally like 45 minutes to drink this stuff
bad new is . . . i still have 3 more 'bottles'
I dont like protein shakes !
Todays newness was Amy's Pot Pies
I'm gonna have to say . . . eh it was ok
Gonna have to try the vegetable one and see how the tofu effects the 'goodness'
What I ate . . .
Peppermint Coffee
Eggplant Parmesan Bites (150 - 8)
Green Grapes (100 - 1)
Doritos (150 - 2)
Cheese (300 - 14)
Broccoli Pot Pie (430 - 11)
Protein Shake (110 - 17)
Total: 1240 - 53
I literally thought i ate like a pig today but right now I'm sitting her and absolutely cannot think of what I ate today.
What I did . . .
650 calories burned
1 mile jog/walk (5.3/3.6 1 min each)
- wasn't in the mood to jog tonight . . . sadness
30 minute elliptical
20 minute biking
I think i might have to go in tomorrow morning to do a little extra workout . . . we'll see
NEW Protein . . .

i tried this stuff tonight . . .
ewww gross is all i have to say.
took me literally like 45 minutes to drink this stuff
bad new is . . . i still have 3 more 'bottles'
I dont like protein shakes !
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Forgotten Lunch
So I forgot my lunch today and it made me sooooo upset.
I had a discussion with how if you forget food then you're obsessed with the fact you dont have food. However when you do have your lunch but dont have time to eat it then its not a big thing on your mind. I think thats sooo true, I thought I was going to die this morning when I was prepping for work, however once the day started and I was teaching it wasn't such a big deal to not have food.
Interesting . . .
What I ate . . .
Mocha Mint Coffee
2 Green Apples (190 - 1)
Diet Coke
Chili's House Salad w/ dressing (400 - 15)
Chili's Tostada Chips (300 - 4)
Swedish Fish (140 - 1)
Total: 1030 - 21
Not the best . . . but I'm paranoid about what I'll see tmr on the scale
I had a discussion with how if you forget food then you're obsessed with the fact you dont have food. However when you do have your lunch but dont have time to eat it then its not a big thing on your mind. I think thats sooo true, I thought I was going to die this morning when I was prepping for work, however once the day started and I was teaching it wasn't such a big deal to not have food.
Interesting . . .
What I ate . . .
Mocha Mint Coffee
2 Green Apples (190 - 1)
Diet Coke
Chili's House Salad w/ dressing (400 - 15)
Chili's Tostada Chips (300 - 4)
Swedish Fish (140 - 1)
Total: 1030 - 21
Not the best . . . but I'm paranoid about what I'll see tmr on the scale
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Good Day
So today was a good day. Someone brought donuts into work today and I didnt eat one. That in itself makes the day a good day.
What I ate . . .
Mocha Mint Coffee
Muffin (200calories - 5protein)
Chili (300 - 18)
Banana (100 - 3)
Muffin (200 - 5)Spaghetti w/ meatballs and sauce (530 - 25)
Bread (80 - 5)
Protein bar (240 - 10)
Total: 1650 calories - 71
wow 1600 calories . . .
What I did . . .
930 calories burned
15 minute elliptical
Personal training
1.5 mile jog/walk (5.2/3.6 1 min ea)
15 min rowing (1 min row, 30 sec rest)
20 min biking (5 miles)
The winner for protein tonight was a Clif bar (chocolate chip)
Not super amazing but it was nice knowing that I could eat a chocolate bar that tasted like candy after my workout :). It was the bar with lowest amount of protein, but I think has a high # of calories. Not bad, would buy another one. Friday morning will be my next workout, which means my next judgment of protein . . . I'm thinking the shake :)
What I ate . . .
Mocha Mint Coffee
Muffin (200calories - 5protein)
Chili (300 - 18)
Banana (100 - 3)
Muffin (200 - 5)Spaghetti w/ meatballs and sauce (530 - 25)
Bread (80 - 5)
Protein bar (240 - 10)
Total: 1650 calories - 71
wow 1600 calories . . .
What I did . . .
930 calories burned
15 minute elliptical
Personal training
1.5 mile jog/walk (5.2/3.6 1 min ea)
15 min rowing (1 min row, 30 sec rest)
20 min biking (5 miles)
The winner for protein tonight was a Clif bar (chocolate chip)
Not super amazing but it was nice knowing that I could eat a chocolate bar that tasted like candy after my workout :). It was the bar with lowest amount of protein, but I think has a high # of calories. Not bad, would buy another one. Friday morning will be my next workout, which means my next judgment of protein . . . I'm thinking the shake :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
And the word of the day . . .
Protein . . .
This simple thing has been on my mind ALL DAY. Started with a suggestion last night, boiled to the top with a discussion with a coworker then spilled to an obsession at Target.
So one of my goals within the next month is to get more protein in after I workout. Now I'm not sure exactly how many grams of protein I'm supposed to have in a day. One website told me like 150g, and a co-worker said up to 45 . . . quite a big difference there. I'll keep doing my research . . . I dont have one source for protein, so at Target today I looked at everything I could (excluding protein powers b/c they dont sell them in the size I want) and bought a few protein trials . . . heres what I found
This simple thing has been on my mind ALL DAY. Started with a suggestion last night, boiled to the top with a discussion with a coworker then spilled to an obsession at Target.
So one of my goals within the next month is to get more protein in after I workout. Now I'm not sure exactly how many grams of protein I'm supposed to have in a day. One website told me like 150g, and a co-worker said up to 45 . . . quite a big difference there. I'll keep doing my research . . . I dont have one source for protein, so at Target today I looked at everything I could (excluding protein powers b/c they dont sell them in the size I want) and bought a few protein trials . . . heres what I found
These items range from 10g of protein to 23g. There are 4 bars, one thing of greek yogurt and one shake thing. I'm told that I'm supposed to try to get more protein in after a workout, so you bet your butt I'll be sharing my thoughts and rating what I've put in my mouth ;)
What I ate . . .
Peppermint Coffee
Banana (100 calories)
Salad (egg, dressing, croutons, cranberries, cheese, romaine) (400 calories? eh)
Pretzels (120 calories)
Popcorn (100 calories)
Corn dogs (280 calories)
Baked Potato (150 calories)
Total: 1150 calories
What I did . . .
NOTHING, its Tuesday ;)
Monday, November 15, 2010
New Goals
So tonight my trainer gave me some new goals to pay attention to for the next month. I think I do really well when I have to prove something to him . . . its my way of saying 'i know i dont make much progress but I literally can do it when you challenge me'.
What I ate . . .
Peppermint Coffee
Green apple 100 calories
Taco Salad (fake meat, lettuce, cheese, tortilla chips) est. 400 calories
grapes 50 calories
brownies (pretty sure they were about 400 calories . . . thanx Heidi!)
corn dogs (2) 180 calories
fries 120 calories
ice cream sandwich 160 calories
Total: 1,410 (thats an estimate)
What I did . . .
825 calories
10 minute elliptical
2.5 mile jog/walk (3.5/5.2 1 min ea)
personal training (rowing, squats, planks)
Positive note:
My favorite happy blogs 1000 Awesome Things posted something that mad me laugh
Awesome thing #377 Taking your pants off . . . .
I totally agree with this, sometimes its just a great feeling to come home, take off you work pants and walk around in jogging pants or pj pants
What I ate . . .
Peppermint Coffee
Green apple 100 calories
Taco Salad (fake meat, lettuce, cheese, tortilla chips) est. 400 calories
grapes 50 calories
brownies (pretty sure they were about 400 calories . . . thanx Heidi!)
corn dogs (2) 180 calories
fries 120 calories
ice cream sandwich 160 calories
Total: 1,410 (thats an estimate)
What I did . . .
825 calories
10 minute elliptical
2.5 mile jog/walk (3.5/5.2 1 min ea)
personal training (rowing, squats, planks)
Positive note:
My favorite happy blogs 1000 Awesome Things posted something that mad me laugh
Awesome thing #377 Taking your pants off . . . .
I totally agree with this, sometimes its just a great feeling to come home, take off you work pants and walk around in jogging pants or pj pants
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Warrant - Cherry Pie
just downloaded this song to run to today. One of my favorite songs . . . enjoy!
Running Music
Today ended up being a good lazy sunday . . . and I'm totally content with that :)
What I ate . . .
toast w/ jam (2 slices)
fried potatoes (i made them they were good)
thin crust, individual cheese pizza (i only ate 2/3 of it)
ice cream sandwich (oops)
diet cokie
What I did . .
750 calories
2 mile jog/walk (5.2/3.5 1 min ea)
.5 mile uphill walk (3.7)
25 min elliptical
Positive note:
I found vegetarian corn dogs today at Target, I haven't tried them yet, but prior the whole vegetarian change I LOVED corn dogs and i haven't had one since. Over the summer a friend got a corn dog at the state fair and I drooled so much she had me eat some of the bread that covers the dog . . . lol.
What I ate . . .
toast w/ jam (2 slices)
fried potatoes (i made them they were good)
thin crust, individual cheese pizza (i only ate 2/3 of it)
ice cream sandwich (oops)
diet cokie
What I did . .
750 calories
2 mile jog/walk (5.2/3.5 1 min ea)
.5 mile uphill walk (3.7)
25 min elliptical
Positive note:
I found vegetarian corn dogs today at Target, I haven't tried them yet, but prior the whole vegetarian change I LOVED corn dogs and i haven't had one since. Over the summer a friend got a corn dog at the state fair and I drooled so much she had me eat some of the bread that covers the dog . . . lol.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So this mornings workout didn't happen . . . I slept through my alarm, when I woke up it was 5:40, and I thought . . . eh 30 more minutes of sleep.
Today will be a LONG day at work . . . conferences, YUCK! Means a 13 hour day at work only to go home, sleep and continue the same thing for another few hours the next day.
Reason I'm posting . . .
Burning calories . . . Over the last year I've noticed that I'm able to burn more calories while I'm at lifetime. I knwo this is because i'm either pushing harder or the fact i'm running so i'm in a better heart rate zone or what not. Heres the funny little twist . . . when i was burning less (say 500 to 600) I went more frequently, I set a goal to burn off 3500 a week. Now I walk out of lifetime and i burn between 700 and 900 yet i'm only going maybe 3 times a week. Its soooo weird. I have a calendar where I write down things I've done and calories i've burned when i workout. And Aug . . . I rocked it, i was there so many times . . . but now . . . my workouts seem sporadic and not as often. Makes me sad. I'm going to blame it on the job . . . that place physically wears me out.
Maybe a someone can find me a job that makes the same amount of money I make now however doesnt leave me crabby and tired at the end of the day. Hmmmmmm
Today will be a LONG day at work . . . conferences, YUCK! Means a 13 hour day at work only to go home, sleep and continue the same thing for another few hours the next day.
Reason I'm posting . . .
Burning calories . . . Over the last year I've noticed that I'm able to burn more calories while I'm at lifetime. I knwo this is because i'm either pushing harder or the fact i'm running so i'm in a better heart rate zone or what not. Heres the funny little twist . . . when i was burning less (say 500 to 600) I went more frequently, I set a goal to burn off 3500 a week. Now I walk out of lifetime and i burn between 700 and 900 yet i'm only going maybe 3 times a week. Its soooo weird. I have a calendar where I write down things I've done and calories i've burned when i workout. And Aug . . . I rocked it, i was there so many times . . . but now . . . my workouts seem sporadic and not as often. Makes me sad. I'm going to blame it on the job . . . that place physically wears me out.
Maybe a someone can find me a job that makes the same amount of money I make now however doesnt leave me crabby and tired at the end of the day. Hmmmmmm
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Go Big or Go Home
Texas is smart . . . I believe their simple statement makes a huge point.
What I did . . .
910 calories . . . woot, woot!
25 minutes elliptical
2 miles on treadmill (5.0/3.5 1 min ea)
personal training (some sprinting and core work)
tmr morning is a weigh in morning, so i'm gonna do the whole 5am workout (tuesday it didnt happen, so we'll see you at Life time at 5am for sure )
What I ate . . .
Peppermint coffee (yep i'm obsessed, thats the right word for it)
Green apple
egg salad sandwich
rice krispie bars (4 sqares, oops)
salad (egg, carrots, lettuce, croutons, cranberries, ranch, cheese)
I'm not in a huge writing mood so thats where I"m going to leave it. :)
Positive note . . .
I didnt kill anyone today at work . . . thats always a positive thing right. Literally, today at work it was almost as if people were dropping like flies due to sickness, lol.
What I did . . .
910 calories . . . woot, woot!
25 minutes elliptical
2 miles on treadmill (5.0/3.5 1 min ea)
personal training (some sprinting and core work)
tmr morning is a weigh in morning, so i'm gonna do the whole 5am workout (tuesday it didnt happen, so we'll see you at Life time at 5am for sure )
What I ate . . .
Peppermint coffee (yep i'm obsessed, thats the right word for it)
Green apple
egg salad sandwich
rice krispie bars (4 sqares, oops)
salad (egg, carrots, lettuce, croutons, cranberries, ranch, cheese)
I'm not in a huge writing mood so thats where I"m going to leave it. :)
Positive note . . .
I didnt kill anyone today at work . . . thats always a positive thing right. Literally, today at work it was almost as if people were dropping like flies due to sickness, lol.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Music ADD . . .
Tonight was sooooooooo hard to get into Lifetime, I think i thought of every excuse in the book to not go . . .
1. my hands hurt
2. i didnt eat dinner therefore i dont have the energy to workout
3. I can go in tuesday/wednesday/thursday/saturday
4. People at highland park sucks . . . lol
But i did go in . . . be proud of me
What I did . . .
710 calories
15 minutes on treadmill (for some reason could not focus on this, had to change music like 17 times to get through a mile)
30 minutes on elliptical (thank God for the Rocky Horror picture show soundtrack . . . thats the only thing that kept me on that thing and in a heart rate zone that wasnt 120)
20 minutes bike (only did this b/c i wanted to do something that was not the treadmill)
Tmr morning i'm attempting to go in early. The goal is to sprint or something like that . . . we'll see how that goes.
What I ate . . .
(nothing good)
Green Apple
Peppermint Coffee
Egg Salad sandwich
Green apple (the 2nd)
buttered bread (2 slices)
pretzels and peanut butter (about 2tbsp)
Jam sandwich
doritos chips
I feel when it comes to eating, I do so well during the day because I have to. but then when the evening comes I just shove whatever I can into my mouth. Its probably b/c I buy the crap and have to eat it, but theres no way I can convince myself to not buy/eat junk food.
Positive note . . .
I cant think of one for today . . . sorry
1. my hands hurt
2. i didnt eat dinner therefore i dont have the energy to workout
3. I can go in tuesday/wednesday/thursday/saturday
4. People at highland park sucks . . . lol
But i did go in . . . be proud of me
What I did . . .
710 calories
15 minutes on treadmill (for some reason could not focus on this, had to change music like 17 times to get through a mile)
30 minutes on elliptical (thank God for the Rocky Horror picture show soundtrack . . . thats the only thing that kept me on that thing and in a heart rate zone that wasnt 120)
20 minutes bike (only did this b/c i wanted to do something that was not the treadmill)
Tmr morning i'm attempting to go in early. The goal is to sprint or something like that . . . we'll see how that goes.
What I ate . . .
(nothing good)
Green Apple
Peppermint Coffee
Egg Salad sandwich
Green apple (the 2nd)
buttered bread (2 slices)
pretzels and peanut butter (about 2tbsp)
Jam sandwich
doritos chips
I feel when it comes to eating, I do so well during the day because I have to. but then when the evening comes I just shove whatever I can into my mouth. Its probably b/c I buy the crap and have to eat it, but theres no way I can convince myself to not buy/eat junk food.
Positive note . . .
I cant think of one for today . . . sorry
Sunday, November 7, 2010
In suspense . . .
I was told that I havent updated since Thursday thus leaving a friend in suspense . . . I really dont know why this is.
So this weekend was a productive weekend, not so much used to that, none the less it was :)
What I did . . .
I didnt get into Lifetime at all this weekend, however yesterday (Saturday) spent hours covering windows in plastic. Not a intensive job you'd think, but doing 12 windows left me exhausted at the end of the day. Today I spent hours in my parents yard raking . . . again not a job that seems all that intensive, but after 2 hours when you're sitting on a step with three huge piles of leaves in front of you and blisters all over your hand that hurt like pebbles in your shoes . . . . you feel tired.
What I ate . . .
Nothing too horrid, weekends are never a time when I'm going to post everything that I ate, but I will say I had some jimmy johns, grilled cheese sandwich, and some homemade hot dishes (yes I'm from Minnesota and I say hot dishes not casserole)
Positive note . . .
My positive note for the day . . . the Office . . . cracks me up!
So this weekend was a productive weekend, not so much used to that, none the less it was :)
What I did . . .
I didnt get into Lifetime at all this weekend, however yesterday (Saturday) spent hours covering windows in plastic. Not a intensive job you'd think, but doing 12 windows left me exhausted at the end of the day. Today I spent hours in my parents yard raking . . . again not a job that seems all that intensive, but after 2 hours when you're sitting on a step with three huge piles of leaves in front of you and blisters all over your hand that hurt like pebbles in your shoes . . . . you feel tired.
What I ate . . .
Nothing too horrid, weekends are never a time when I'm going to post everything that I ate, but I will say I had some jimmy johns, grilled cheese sandwich, and some homemade hot dishes (yes I'm from Minnesota and I say hot dishes not casserole)
Positive note . . .
My positive note for the day . . . the Office . . . cracks me up!
Friday, November 5, 2010
5am workout actually happened (it cost me $4 because i lost my ID so I had to pay for parking) totally worth it . . . .
What I did . . .
600 calories burned
- Sprints 1 mile (6.5/3.0 1 min each)
- 1 mile (uphill/downhill @ 3.7)
- .5 mile jog/walk (3.5/5.0 1 min each)
- 15 minute elliptical
I will say sprinting has become easier . . . I don't feel like I'm going to die at the end of the minute, and honestly if i really invested the effort I'm sure I could run at a 6.0 pace for at least two minutes (I know, sounds not that long but I think of it as an accomplishment)
I've been awake for less than 2 hours, no moments of randomness nor positive moments have come to mind. I will however update this thing and post how much I lost for the week . . . hopefully its a loss and not a gain like last week.
Positive note . . .
I LOST 3 LBS . . . I'm so flippin excited about this fact. I'm sure its because of the 5am workout, but its very possible that from today on I'm waking up early to hit the gym on weigh in days. :)
What I did . . .
600 calories burned
- Sprints 1 mile (6.5/3.0 1 min each)
- 1 mile (uphill/downhill @ 3.7)
- .5 mile jog/walk (3.5/5.0 1 min each)
- 15 minute elliptical
I will say sprinting has become easier . . . I don't feel like I'm going to die at the end of the minute, and honestly if i really invested the effort I'm sure I could run at a 6.0 pace for at least two minutes (I know, sounds not that long but I think of it as an accomplishment)
I've been awake for less than 2 hours, no moments of randomness nor positive moments have come to mind. I will however update this thing and post how much I lost for the week . . . hopefully its a loss and not a gain like last week.
Positive note . . .
I LOST 3 LBS . . . I'm so flippin excited about this fact. I'm sure its because of the 5am workout, but its very possible that from today on I'm waking up early to hit the gym on weigh in days. :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Little surprises
Today was kind of a weird day . . . I did something that I really really really should not have done, and the outcome of it was totally unexpected and I dont know if its a good thing b/c now I think I'm truly done. I'm being so vague but I had to write that . . . funny.
What I ate . . .
Peppermint coffee (I swear any day that starts with this is a good day!)
Green apple (so much better than red ones)
Salad (mixed greens, egg, carrots, cranberries, croutons, cheese and Italian dressing)
3 pieces of candy (small snack size pieces)
popcorn (about 3 cups)
Wasn't so much hungry for a dinner tonight, so instead I ate popcorn, I really hope the salt doesnt leave me all bloated.
Moment of randomness . . .
I found out today that one of my co-workers reads my blog. I really didnt expect this from that person, it makes me feel so good. My simple blog that I dont really keep up with is being read by other people. Now I really want to do well . . . I mean if my trainer were reading it I think I'd be more attentive to what I write, but knowing a co-worker reads it makes me wanna write more about helpful stuff.
Workout . . .
Its about 8pm right now and last night i burned off 900 calories, I'm going to allow myself to not workout tonight. However tmr morning I"m going to attempt a 5am workout for an hour . . . I'll post how that goes :)
Positive note . . .
The weekend and the beginning of the week were REALLY bad for me. I've decided in this blog that I need daily to write something positive, either about working out, about work, or about life in general . . . that way I dont always sound like a crab apple.
*I already stated it, but I must state it again . . . . Peppermint coffee . . . my friend! :)
Tell me something positive about your day . . . .
365 days . . . 8 days down . . . 357 left to go ;)
What I ate . . .
Peppermint coffee (I swear any day that starts with this is a good day!)
Green apple (so much better than red ones)
Salad (mixed greens, egg, carrots, cranberries, croutons, cheese and Italian dressing)
3 pieces of candy (small snack size pieces)
popcorn (about 3 cups)
Wasn't so much hungry for a dinner tonight, so instead I ate popcorn, I really hope the salt doesnt leave me all bloated.
Moment of randomness . . .
I found out today that one of my co-workers reads my blog. I really didnt expect this from that person, it makes me feel so good. My simple blog that I dont really keep up with is being read by other people. Now I really want to do well . . . I mean if my trainer were reading it I think I'd be more attentive to what I write, but knowing a co-worker reads it makes me wanna write more about helpful stuff.
Workout . . .
Its about 8pm right now and last night i burned off 900 calories, I'm going to allow myself to not workout tonight. However tmr morning I"m going to attempt a 5am workout for an hour . . . I'll post how that goes :)
Positive note . . .
The weekend and the beginning of the week were REALLY bad for me. I've decided in this blog that I need daily to write something positive, either about working out, about work, or about life in general . . . that way I dont always sound like a crab apple.
*I already stated it, but I must state it again . . . . Peppermint coffee . . . my friend! :)
Tell me something positive about your day . . . .
365 days . . . 8 days down . . . 357 left to go ;)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Feeling after a workout . . .
. . . is the best feeling out there.
What I ate . . .
Peppermint coffee
wontons (3)
2/3c rice
candy (3 snack size pieces)
baked potato
trail mix
What I did . . .
900 calories
15 minute elliptical
Training (the usual . . . squats, core stuff)
40 minutes treadmill
- 1 mile (6.5 / 2.7 1 min each)
- 1 mile (uphill/downhill @ 3.5)
- .5 mile (5.0 / 3.0 45 sec each)
What do you like to do for a workout???
365 days . . . 7 days down . . . 358 left to go ;)
What I ate . . .
Peppermint coffee
wontons (3)
2/3c rice
candy (3 snack size pieces)
baked potato
trail mix
What I did . . .
900 calories
15 minute elliptical
Training (the usual . . . squats, core stuff)
40 minutes treadmill
- 1 mile (6.5 / 2.7 1 min each)
- 1 mile (uphill/downhill @ 3.5)
- .5 mile (5.0 / 3.0 45 sec each)
What do you like to do for a workout???
365 days . . . 7 days down . . . 358 left to go ;)
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